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Everyone has their breaking point. After years of witnessing her stepfather's physical and mental abuse of her mother and sister. Marena Angelika Marshall brutally kills her stepfather. Rather than face the law, she enlists the help of her longtime friend, Andrea Postivich, and the two go on the run.
They travel to Atlanta where they save the life of Regina Walker, a newspaper heir, who encourages the pair to murder yet another violent stepfather, hers. Needing cash they take the job.

After a friendly altercation the pair realize they have strong feeling for each other and a romance follows.

Empowered by the idea of vigilante justice, they become guns for hire. Despite being hunted by law enforcement. They are steeled with a taste for blood, revenge, and a revisionist definition of justifiable homicide. Marena and Andrea leave a trail of victims as they crisscross the Southeast and the islands of the Caribbean.

An associate of Regina's. Mr. Carswell hires them murder a corrupt New Orleans politician who lead his wife to suicide. Hopefully their last job since they long for a "Normal" life together. They are now on the run for their lives.

Will their love survive? Will they survive? What will happen to our vigilantes?

Find out Here: Angels of Death:Killers or HIre