18 Apr

Eggs in Purgatory is a spicy, Southern Italian Shakshuka dish. It’s key ingredients are eggs (of course) extra virgin olive oil, garlic, anchovies, tomato sauce, and mozzarella cheese. The name originates from the Catholic faith, with the baked eggs represented “the soul” and the tomato sauce “Purgatory.” Supposedly, the souls are suspended between heaven and hell.  

                                    Albert Anastasia

  Every morning after his night of making his business rounds, mob boss Albert Anastasia would visit his favorite restaurant and chow down on this scrumptious combination. Anastasia, also known as The Mad Hatter and High Executioner

He was the boss of what the media dubbed as Murder Inc. M.I. acted as a sort of police force for the commission and would carry out murders by the behest of bosses from all over the country. The organization believed to be responsible for 400-1000 murders. They gunned down the Mad Hatter on October 5, 1957 while getting a shave at the Park Sheraton Hotel. The gun men fired repeatedly until he was dead on the floor.

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